Monday, July 12, 2010

Other Ways of Staving Off Boredom

Because Mondays come only once a week (and the Bachelorette is ending soon), I thought I'd share a few other highlights of the past month!

Dinner at a Japanese Izakaya (Koyoi) with friends. Oh, izakayas, how I've missed you! Check it out:

My husband with a huge bottle of beer! 

Me with Shochu! 

Cashisu Orenji! Okonomiyaki (below)! Yaki nasu!

I got to shout sumimansen too! Ah, how I've missed you Japan!

While the G20 nonesense (I'm looking at both of you protesters and police. There was a whole lot of bad behaviour on both sides), we looked after our friends' cat, Sherlock. You can tell how much he loved us by this picture:

Is that the red light from the laser pointer I see in the distance? Must DESTROY!

We also hit up the cottage for some old fashion R&R. And by that I mean the traditional Eat/Sleep/Read/Swim (and kayak). I stuck around in O-Town for a while, got together with some friends for dinnger (where I promptly left my sunglasses behind), and then took the train back to Toronto. When I got back (Phil came back alone first), we hit up a TFC football game in the blistering heat.

I brought a Very Large Hat with me and sat in the shade cast by my own head. I think that's pretty awesome.

Okay. So. Yeah. I did look like a dork.

But I didn't get burned! And the guy who didn't bring a hat (*cough**cough*Phil*cough*) totally did. So there.

Other highlights included: finding an air conditioner! Installing the air conditioner! Swearing at the air conditioner! Apologizing to it because the apartment is gloriously cool now!

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