Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Recipe Repeat

If truth be told, we don't have a lot of recipes that go into regular rotation at our house. I've posted this one before, but we've probably had it 2-3 more times in the period since I first posted it. It's so worth another mention. The Sweet Potatao-Chard Quesadilla dish is one of those recipes where the balance of flavours is just so damn tasty that, not only do you not miss the meat, you also won't miss the dairy.

I swear, sweet potato and chipotle chiles in adobo sauce were made for each other. And as we now have natural light around dinner time, I totally meant to snap a picture of the quesadillas, but... you know. Eating comes before blogging sometimes!

If you have time, check out the Guess the Jelly Contest over on Uncanny Preserves. Correct answers are entered into a draw to win a jar!

We're having a district review of our school tomorrow, so if you don't see a post up, it's only because I spent my evening prepping for being judged! I promise, though, that my favourite homemade donair recipe will be going up later this week. We got it from a newspaper back when we lived in New Brunswick back in the '80s, and it's been in the repetoire since then.

1 comment:

Locavore Family said...

I'm really excited to try this recipe. I love the sounds of it. We don't repeat a lot of recipes either, so when you've found one you love, it's worth sharing. Thanks for sharing yours. :)

Good luck with the district review.

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