Thursday, April 21, 2011

Non-cooking related things that make me happy.

1. Taking 139 kids on a field trip to see Romeo and Juliet and having the kids behave well.
2. Not losing any children.
3. Only having one child vomit on the bus, while many others were threatening to burst. Who knew so many kids get car sick?
4. Having students cry during the play because they just got it, man.
5. Watching a very muscular, lithe Tybalt wander around without his shirt on. Yum.

Any Toronto area teachers out there - I highly recommend The Classical Theatre Project for all your Shakespeare needs. It's dirty (as it should be), funny and so accessible for the kids. They're also coming to Ottawa for Romeo and Juliet for a few performances in May!


darlene mcleod said...

They cried? Oh, that's so fantastic!! You must have been so proud!

The King of Cats should totally be lithe and muscular. And shirtless. Definitely shirtless. :)

Alyson said...

I totally was. They were fantastic. They wanted to know if they had to get dressed up for the theatre (like ballgowns and suits) - I *should* have said yes!

I totally dreamed about Tybalt the following night too.

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