Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sunday Night Dinner

Sunday night is definitely a night for beef and potatoes. But, as its summer, the traditional roast beef just won't do.

I'm actually really excited about the two recipes I'm going to link you to today. Whenever I get to purchase new ingredients (Hello tamarind paste! Where have you been all my life?), I admit to being pretty enthused. The meal is heavy on flavours of lemongrass and coriander (or cilantro if you prefer).

I served it with edamame tossed with Kilauea Black Sea Salt and shichimi powder and some tofu kimchi dumplings.

Not too shabby looking, huh?

First up we have the beef recipe: Malaysian Beef Satay. Now, this recipe is really easy to put together, but does require access to some Asian markets (I actually couldn't find the galangal - so ginger it was). The only really annoying part was where it calls for 3 (yeah, that's right, THREE) macadamia nuts. Ridiculous. I had to march myself down to Whole Foods because that's the closest I can buy them unsalted and in bulk.

I've opted not to do the peanut sauce. I was feeling lazy. Having said that, I wish I had made it, because I think the contrast of flavours would have been ace.

 Satays on Potato Salad - note the angelic glow!

This brings to dish number two: Lemongrass & Ginger Potato Salad. Sesame oil, rice vinegar, ginger, lemongrass and jalapeno add some kick and while the cilantro and green onions add bright flavours. I loved that this wasn't a creamy salad. It definitely benefits from sitting for a while to absorb all the flavours. Delicious stuff though.

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